Small Fruit

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Many Manitobans are familiar with saskatoons or serviceberries since wild saskatoons can be found in many places around Manitoba. For those not familiar, most people would compare the fruit to a blueberry, with a hint of nutty flavour. Great for eating fresh or in preserves. The named varieties of saskatoons that we sell offer increased fruit size and flavour over wild but delicious, native saskatoons.

Thiessen Saskatoon

sask coming soon

Height: 15 ft Spread: 8 ft

One of the most productive varieties of saskatoon. Thiessen is noted for uneven ripening which allows a more extended harvest. It flowers early in the season and it is preferred for fresh eating.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Autumn Brilliance Saskatoon


Height: 25 ft Spread: 15 ft

Beautiful red-orange fall colour tree with purplish black berries perfect for pies, jams and jellies.

2 Gal - $ 35.00


Through the work of the University of Saskatchewan, honeyberries have become a go-to berry for the prairies. Readily compared to blueberries, honeyberries usually taste slightly more tart and come in elongated, rather than round forms. While blueberries require highly acidic soil and can be difficult to grow, honeyberries are more adaptable and are extremely hardy. As an added bonus, honeyberries are one of the first things to produce in our orchard, often producing as early as late June. 

Honey Bee Honeyberry


Height: 6 ft Spread: 5 ft

Tall, productive plant with tart fruit that is suitable for wine making. Great for eating fresh in early June or for processing. A larger selection that is fast growing. Pairs well with Aurora and Borealis.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Boreal Blizzard Honeyberry


Height: 4-6 ft Spread: 4-6 ft

May be the world's largest haskap variety in terms of berry size. Fast growing plant, disease resistant. Great tasting with low acidity and similar flavour to its sibling variety "Aurora". It usually ripens in July. Pairs well with Honeybee, Borealis and Boreal Beast for proper pollination.

2 Gal - $35.00

Boreal Beast Honeyberry

haskap coming soon

Height: 4-6 ft Spread: 4-6 ft

Developed at University of Saskatchewan, is one of the best for flavour and aroma. Large fruit that matures in mid July. Excellent pollinizer for Boreal Blizzard, Honey Bee and Aurora. Great for fresh eating, cooking and preserves.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Borealis Honeyberry

haskap coming soon

Height: 4-5 ft Spread: 4 ft

Beautiful dense rounded shrub with sweet, tangy oval berries and large leaves that hide the fruit. Strong resistance to mildew. Considered one of the best-tasting of the varieties. Recommended pollinizers: Aurora and Honey Bee.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Polar Jewel Honeyberry

haskap coming soon

Height: 4 ft Spread: 4 ft

Compact, dense and hardy shrub. Polar Jewel is the earliest ripening honeyberry we offer and is a great way to lengthen harvest season. Sweet berries with a navy blue colour. Good for fresh eating, baking and preserves. Recommended pollinizers: 'Borealis' and 'Tundra'.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Boreal Beauty Honeyberry

haskap coming soon

Height: 6-4 ft Spread: 4-6 ft

While most honeyberry cultivars are among the first producers in our orchard, Boreal Beauty ripens nearly a month after the other varieties. This allows for an extended period of harvest of fresh fruit. Boreal Beauty has an upright growing habit with firm sturdy branching. The fruit is firm, flavourful and abundant. Recommended to pollinate wtih Boreal Beast.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Sea Buckthorn/Sea Berry

Since I first ate my first sea buckthorn berry many years ago, I've always referred to them as the citrus of the prairies. Despite not being native to Manitoba, they grow very well and produce abundantly here.  Some describe the taste as very astringent and prefer to mix the berries with something sweet. I prefer to pick fresh from the bush and enjoy raw. Sea buckthorn tend to have sharp thorns and need to be picked slowly and carefully, but I believe the small berries are well worth the effort. Incredibly high in vitamin C and also good as a cosmetic product. Sea Buckthorn also serve the vital role as a nitrogen fixer and can tolerate poor soils.

Orange Energy Sea Buckthorn


Height: 6-12 ft Spread: 6 ft

Sturdy growth and heavy fruiting shrub. Moderately thorny with large, bright, yellowish-orange, flavourful fruit. Ripens mid to late September. Pair with the Pollmix variety for proper pollination.

2 Gal - $ 35.00

Leikora Sea Buckthorn


Height: 6-12 ft Spread: 6 ft

Plants with large clusters of tasty, sweet orange berries that persist well into winter. Thorny plant with small, pointed fruit very high in vitamin C and hardy on the prairies. Sweetness in the fruit intensifies with the return of cold weather in fall. Pair with the Pollmix variety for proper pollination.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Pollmix Sea Buckthorn


Height: 6-12 ft Spread: 6 ft

Attractive rugged fine silvery foliage provides excellent texture and contrast in the landscape. One Pollmix shrub can pollinate several female shrubs.

2 Gal - $ 35.00

Askola Sea Buckthorn


Height: 6-12 ft Spread: 6 ft

A German variety that is known for producing high yields of berries, loaded with vitamins C and E.

2 Gal - $ 35.00

Goji Berry

Goji berries are highly touted superberries that grow on arching canes. Goji's are suitable for growing against a fence or up a trellis, but they can also be grown freestanding.

Standard Goji


Height: 6-8 ft Spread: 6 ft

Goji shrubs have an unusual appearance with many very thin upward-reaching branches that resembles vines. They have small, willow-like leaves. The branches have small spines with flowers that resemble tomato flowers but with a purple color. Goji fruit look like miniature hot peppers (1cm long) with a bright red color. Berries ripen between July and October.

1 Gal - $ 25.00


Though many in Manitoba are unfamiliar with currants, they are much more popular in Europe. Some Manitobans may be familiar with their use as an excellent preserve, but they can actually be eaten fresh as well.

Ben Connan Currant

currant coming soon

Height: 4 ft Spread: 36"

Extremely large, very flavourful black berries. Harvest in mid-summer. The berries are easy to pick and considered enormous for a black currant. The bushes are compact but upright.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Alpine Currant

alpine currant thumbnail

Height: 6 ft Spread: 6 ft


Commonly grown for their lush foliage, alpine currants undergo captivating color changes throughout the year—starting as bright green in the spring, dark green in the summer, and a warm yellow in the fall months. They are most renowned for their low-maintenance needs, adaptability to various growing conditions, and ability to tolerate extreme winter temperatures. Often used in hedges and mass plantings, alpine currants have edible fruit, though not palatable. This makes them excellent for distracting birds from other plants and fruit.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Golden Currant

golden currant

Height: 4- 6  ft Spread: 5- 8 ft

A thornless, loosely-branched, arching shrub with blue-green lobed leaves turning dull yellow in fall. In spring, golden yellow flowers appear and emit a strong, clove-like fragrance. Berries are sweeter than black currants. Best for fresh eating but also good for jams or preserves.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Ben Sarek Currant

bs c

Height: 4 ft Spread: 36"

It has large, firm berries that ripen in mid-season. Bushes are very productive and it's resistant to mildew and rust. 

1 Gal - $ 25.00

White Pearl Currant

wp currant

Height: 3 ft Spread: 3 ft

This plant is distinguished by its appealing, upright structure and delectably sweet berries. It yields delicate, grape-like clusters of translucent white berries that can be used in pies, jellies, and eaten fresh. 

2 Gal - $ 35.00

Red Lake Currant

currant coming soon

Height: 3 ft Spread: 3 ft

This plant is distinguished by its appealing, upright structure and delectably sweet berries. It yields delicate, grape-like clusters of translucent white berries that can be used in pies, jellies, and eaten fresh. 

1 Gal - $ 25.00


Having home grown raspberries is a special summer treat. Raspberries require little space and maintenance to produce large amounts of tasty berries.

Pathfinder Raspberry


Height: 5 ft Spread: 3 ft

Hardy fall-bearing raspberry with an abundant production. Very tasty fruit. Harvest in August.

4.5" Pot - $ 15.00

Honey Queen Raspberry

honey queen raspberry

Height: 4 ft Spread: 3 ft

One of the hardiest yellow raspberries. It is productive, with good-sized fruit. The golden yellow berries are somewhat soft, with a unique flavour. Great for fresh eating, poor for processing and freezing, but good for wine. Grows in full sun but can tolerate some shade.

4.5" Pot - $ 15.00


Gooseberries are small bushes that grow round berries of varying colours. Some may compare the flavour to a small grape in that they are full of flavourful juice.

Hinnomaki Red


Height: 3 ft Spread: 6ft

Very popular since it produces large quality fruit in mid-summer. It has red fruit with good flavour for fresh eating and processing. Has thorns and a sprawling habit. This variety is not as productive as others since the fruits are larger than those of the other northern gooseberries. Commonly used for baking and desserts.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

2 Gal - $35.00



Height: 2-3  ft Spread: 2-3 ft

This is a thornless gooseberry. It has large fruit compared to other North America varieties. It is red, pear-shaped, and very sweet, with good flavour.

1 Gal - $ 25.00


Honeoye Strawberry


June-bearing variety. It has very large, firm, bright red, glossy fruit. Vigorous, with good runner production.

6 pack - $ 20.00

Cavendish Strawberry


Hardy plant that produces mid-season with good productivity. Good size fruit. Good for eating fresh, baking or preserves.

6 pack - $ 20.00

Fort Laramie Strawberry

strawbe gen

Everbearing variety. Produces firm, bright red, juicy berries. Great for fresh eating or preserves.


6 pack - $ 20.00


The cherries we can grow are technically classified as sour cherries. While the name may put some people off, the sour cherries we grow here were primarily developed at the University of Saskatchewan and taste sweet. Many varieties do have a bit of tang, which gives the fruit a more complete taste. The cherries we grow in Manitoba generally grow as a large shrub, rather than as a tree form as may be found with 'sweet' cherries.

Romeo  Cherry

rmo ch

Height: 8 ft Spread: 5 ft


Produces large, dark red-black fruit in August-September. Comes into production a year before other varieties. Has a tendency to overproduce, which can lead to bumper crops some years and lower production in other years.Considered the best for fresh eating. Produces less suckers than other varieties.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Nanking Cherry


Height: 6 ft Spread: 6 ft

Spectacular display of white flowers in spring followed by bright red berries in mid-July. Better for jelly, fresh eating, baking and wine making. Makes a great pollinator for Brookred and Brookgold plums.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Pink Candles Nanking Cherry


Height: 6 ft Spread: 6 ft

Vertical staggered blooms of pink smother plant in spring before attractively texture green foliage emerges. Tangy fruits, ideal for preserves and wine. Excellent for fruit as well as a beautiful landscape shrub. Pollinates Brookred and Brookgold plums.

2 Gal - $ 35.00

Evans Cherry

cherry coming soon

Height: 10-15 ft Spread: 6 ft

Large shrub or small tree that produces an abundance of semi-sweet, bright red cherries. Strong tendency to sucker. Great for fresh eating, preserves and wine. Harvest in July-August.

Convoy Cherry Plum

cherry coming soon

Height: 8 ft Spread: 6 ft

This shrub is a cross between a cherry and a plum with medium-sized scarlet red fruit. Ready for picking from late summer to early fall. Note that the fruits have hard inedible pits inside which must be removed before eating or processing. The fruits have a sweet taste and a firm texture.  Great for canning and jam or fresh eating. Taller and more upright than Crimson Passion. Pollination partners – Nanking, Brookgold Plum, Brookred Plum and Pembina Plum.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

D'Artagnan Cherry


Height: 5-6 ft Spread: 4-5 ft

Like most cherries that are grown on the prairies, D’artagnan was developed at the University of Saskatchewan. D’artagnan will produce more suckers than other U of S varieties (Romeo & Juliet) which is great for those wanting to establish a food-producing hedge. Easy to maintain as it does not require much pruning.



Minnesota 78 Grapes
grapes coming soon

Height: 6 ft Spread: 4 ft

Very sweet disease resistant grape that can be eaten fresh or made into delicious juice or wine. Self-pollinating.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Artic Kiwi

Most people are shocked when they learn kiwi can grow in Manitoba. While the traditional kiwi sold in stores would never survive our winters, hardy kiwi is capable of thriving and producing in Manitoba. However, other varieties of 'hardy' kiwi have failed to live up to their name and did not survive the winter. In contrast, the pair 'September Sun' and 'Pascha' have not only overwintered well but also produced kiwi for us.
These arctic kiwi varieties are even hardier than the supposedly 'hardy kiwis,' such as Chung Bai and Meader, which don't reliably overwinter in Manitoba.

September Sun Kiwi

kiwi coming soon

Height: 10 ft Spread: 3 ft

A female plant that produces large amounts of grape-sized fruits. These smaller versions taste like the kiwis purchased in stores, but are smaller and eaten with the skin on. Requires Pascha Kiwi to pollinate.

1 Gal - $ 25.00

Pascha Kiwi

kiwi coming soon

Height: 10 ft Spread: 3 ft

Male pollinator for September Sun Arctic Kiwi. Pascha develops variegated green and pink leaves after a few years of growth.

1 Gal - $ 25.00


Another excellent superberry. Aronia are frequently in the news for the nutritional punch they pack. Aronia are small, self-fertile bushes that produce dark, intense fruit. It has outstanding levels of vitamins and anti-oxidants. 


aronia thum

Height: 6 ft Spread: 6 ft

A relatively unknown superfood. The berry has extremely high levels vitamin C and antioxidants, more than three times the antioxidants in blueberries. The berries are dark blue/black and similar in size to blueberries. Aronias are also known as chokeberries due to their astringency, though the Viking variety is much less astringent and more sweet than other varieties. Some may find it too astringent to eat fresh and use it in smoothies and preserves, though we enjoy eating it right off the plant.

1 Gal - $ 25.00
Bulk pricing available


              Millenium Asparagus NEW
millen asp thumb

Height: 3-4 ft Spread: 18" 

An impressive variety of asparagus noted for high yields, rust tolerance and great cold hardiness.

4.5" Pot - $ 15.00