Custom Holistic Packages

We have put together several orchard packages in order to make planning out your orchard easier. Each package will provide a bountiful harvest of fruits, berries and herbs for tea, medicinal use or flavourings. We will make sure your package works well to create an environment that attracts pollinators for your fruit, beneficial insects to help with pests, and plants that enhance the fertility of your whole system - minimizing additional inputs and work. Contact us to let us know what you are interested in including in your package and we will work with you to develop a package to suit your needs. Save money by buying a package rather than buying plants individually.

Any 2 $15 fruiting shrubs, such as raspberries, can be counted as 1 fruiting shrub in the package. 

Mini Orchard Package


Regular Price:  $380 - $425

  • 2 Fruiting Trees
  • 4 Fruiting Shrubs
  • 1 Nitrogen Fixing Tree or Shrub
  • 10 Support Plants/Herbs
  • Plant care discounts - see below

Let us know if you are interested in this package and we can work together to find a plan that fits your goals.

Get Growing Package


Regular Price:  $760 - $850

  • 4 Fruiting Trees
  • 8 Fruiting Shrubs
  • 2 Nitrogen Fixing Tree or Shrub
  • 20 Support Plants/Herbs
  • Plant care discounts - see below

Let us know if you are interested in this package and we can work together to find a plan that fits your goals.

Fruit & Nut Package


Regular Price: $785 - $875

  • 4 Fruiting Trees
  • 4 Nut Trees
  • 4 Fruiting Shrubs
  • 3 Nitrogen Fixing Tress or Shrubs
  • 20 Support Plants/Herbs
  • Plant care discounts - See below

Some nuts available in this package do not play nice around many other plants (allelopathy). If you are interested in including black walnut or butternut, contact us to help design a package that will work well for you. 

All holistic packages now include – 10% off deer fencing, 10% off ultimate tree guards, 20% Root Rescue, and 20% Sea Magic