About Wildpath Farm

Plant Health

If pests can't hop from target plant to target plant as in monocultures, their damage is reduced along with being exposed to predatory beneficial species for longer periods of time.

Beneficial interactions are encouraged. 'Waste' non-fruiting plants are incorporated to provide a home for beneficial creatures and eliminate a need to spray harmful chemicals.​

Plants, especially nitrogen fixing plants, are incorporated in the design to feed other plants in the system and eliminate a need for chemical fertilizers.

Soil Health

No till system encourages a healthy soil food web. Perennial plants provide food to beneficial soil organisms which benefit the larger ecosystem and the plants which feed us.

Human Health

Plants are never sprayed by chemical insecticides or fungicides, therefore there is zero risk of these contaminating the plants we grow. Growing food in polycultures results in more nutritious food for us to eat. ​

Ecosystem Health

Insects are not only allowed (unlike most crops where many insects are killed through broad spectrum insecticides), but they are actually encouraged and designed for. Beneficial insects naturally find homes within the ecosystem. This again results in pest species kept to low numbers which ensures chemical pesticides are not required.

Because we farm in a way that encourages perennial crops rather than a continual system of planting and plowing, we greatly reduce the amount of machine input that goes into producing our food.